Over Forty Wellness Podcast
Over Forty Wellness Podcast
Video Game Addiction with Kirsten Buchholtz and Whizpa.com
This episode of the podcast is done in collaboration with Whizpa.com
Whizpa.com is one of Hong Kong's leading online education platforms. Whizpa.com helps to connect families with educators and activity providers. Whizpa enables parents to search for, review, and sign up for kids' activities and classes on one convenient platform.
Whizpa.com publishes Monthly E-Books with tips for Parents to support the health, wellbeing and education of their children and ultimately their own health and wellbeing. This month the e-book is “Proven Strategies to Prevent Video Game Addiction”.
To discuss “Gaming Disorder” amongst other topics - My guest on the podcast is Kirsten Buchholtz the owner of Wild Ride Coaching and Hub Of Hearts.
Kirsten was born in Hamburg in Germany and moved to HK in 1979 . Kirsten has lived between Europe, Hong Kong and Australia and in 2018 Kirsten came back to HK and opened Wild Ride Coaching. In 2020 she launched “Hub of Hearts”, focusing on using EFT and other strategies to inspire mothers who are overwhelmed with caring for children struggling with mental or physical health conditions. Kirsten's qualifications include
- Certified Clinical Emotion Freedom Techniques Practitioner
- Certified Matrix Re-imprinting Practitioner
- Gong Sound Catalyst for Wellbeing
- Group Facilitator
- Artist, Sculptor, Writer
5;05 What was Hong Kong like in 1979
8:25 I opened my first business in 1993.... an Event Decorating Business
9:34 In 1997 our youngest daughter became very ill.... That was my path starting on the search for healing.
12:15 Probably the most amazing thing is the work with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) with PTSD in veterans.
12:41 I was also trained in something called Matrix Reimprinting........going back into memories.
14:08 My area of expertise is overcoming the troubles of Motherhood.
16:49 The simplicity [of EFT] is what I love. A self-help technique.
17:50 My passion in life is to empower other to help themselves.... especially mothers.
18:57 Matrix Re-implanting explained .....
21:37 In Terms of Gaming Addiction can you talk about that....... Online Gaming and Social Media
23:41 I would like to differentiate between "On line Gaming Addiction" and spending too much time on line.
25:20 Advice for parents........
31:00 We just have to love them and introduce them to techniques to self sooth......
33:19 Self love, movement, engagement. Fixed for Mental Health and Physical Health are the same.
34:34 Wild Ride Coaching ..... Loose your shackles and buy a Harley. I bought a Harley....
37:09 The power of visualisation.... power of our thoughts.....power of our mind..... Open yourself to possibilities.
41:46 My Passion project for mothers called Hub Of Hearts......
43:46 My morning routine.....
47:33 Billboard: "Change your Thoughts Change your Life"
Books: The Bliss Brain by Dawson Church
Whizpa: https://www.Whizpa.com/
Whizpa.com -Ebook Download Link: https://ebook18.whizpa.com/
FB post: https://www.facebook.com/1762984727351050/posts/2775449072771272/?d=n
Contact Kirsten:
Contact Vincent
Newsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.com
Podcast: https://overfortywellness.buzzsprout.com
Pro Coach: https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscox
Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox