Cristina grew up up in Brazil and workied in advertising in San Paolo before arriving in Hong Kong in 1998. She is a Leadership Coach, Corporate Facilitator and Keynote Speaker. Specializing in leadership development and personal wellness, she supports executives to meet performance and organizational targets, while building professional resilience. Additionally, Cristina is a Certified Wellness Practitioner offering wellness therapies to individuals including Bach Flower Remedies, Crystal Healing and Iridology at the Integrated Medical Institute in Hong Kong.
Cristina shares stories of how she assists corporates who often have stressful jobs, often multi-tasking and very ambitious. Clients she calls “super heroes”, on the wellness side they often struggle to find balance and she assists them to regain their balance and develop resilience. – she shares a story of a client who felt they were in a rut, not feeling balanced whilst taking on more responsibility. Working with different modalities the client was able to focus at work and receive further coaching. An integrated approach enabling the client to perform at their highest level.
Cristina “likes very much what she does” and she sees her future working with coaching, facilitation in wellness. Working with less clients for longer with the aim of going deeper. Longer and stronger. Being a true partner integrating wellness therapies. Working “Where Corporate Meets Wellness”
4:02 I’m Brazilian, I grew up in Brazil… In San Paolo I started working in Advertising…we arrived in Hong Kong in 1998…
5:07 [The move] It wasn’t smooth…there was a lot of change… I had ups and downs…6:25 Stretching myself … growth , pure growth… I was invited to do corporate training…Coaching…wellness therapy…
9:00 I decided to study the things that worked for me… the things I trust..
10:09 [How is it you assist people]… I have a corporate hat… I also work in the wellness arena… Bach Flower Remedies…Crystal Healing… Iridology… Kirtan Community…
12:17 [Client Story]… I work with corporates … stressful jobs… lack of balance…
17:14 These are very talented people … who are feeling off…
18:22 Another toolbox I have is corporate training… coaching tools…models…
19:39 [Timescales for treatment] To having a solution… at least six sessions… can be bi-weekly… and then it can be longer… an average of around 6 months… what are the areas of focus…
25:12 We dig deeper … the iceberg model… a lot is built on trust…
27:45 [The future]… I like what I do… building relationships… longer and stronger… where “Corporate meets Wellness”… clients are looking for collaboration, partnerships…
31:40 Around 80% of the training workshops – “go to a drawer”…
33:29 [Moving from training to coaching] That’s what I’d like to see more of…
34:37[Challenges]… I had a few bumps on the road… a life long learner…
38:06 [Passions] … Seeing Transformation …working with animals…
38:42 [Dogs]… the benefits of having a dog…
40:24 [An apparent setback]… Loss of confidence…
Contact Cristina
Contact Vincent
Pro Coach:
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
Cristina grew up up in Brazil and workied in advertising in San Paolo before arriving in Hong Kong in 1998. She is a Leadership Coach, Corporate Facilitator and Keynote Speaker. Specializing in leadership development and personal wellness, she supports executives to meet performance and organizational targets, while building professional resilience. Additionally, Cristina is a Certified Wellness Practitioner offering wellness therapies to individuals including Bach Flower Remedies, Crystal Healing and Iridology at the Integrated Medical Institute in Hong Kong.
Cristina shares stories of how she assists corporates who often have stressful jobs, often multi-tasking and very ambitious. Clients she calls “super heroes”, on the wellness side they often struggle to find balance and she assists them to regain their balance and develop resilience. – she shares a story of a client who felt they were in a rut, not feeling balanced whilst taking on more responsibility. Working with different modalities the client was able to focus at work and receive further coaching. An integrated approach enabling the client to perform at their highest level.
Cristina “likes very much what she does” and she sees her future working with coaching, facilitation in wellness. Working with less clients for longer with the aim of going deeper. Longer and stronger. Being a true partner integrating wellness therapies. Working “Where Corporate Meets Wellness”
4:02 I’m Brazilian, I grew up in Brazil… In San Paolo I started working in Advertising…we arrived in Hong Kong in 1998…
5:07 [The move] It wasn’t smooth…there was a lot of change… I had ups and downs…6:25 Stretching myself … growth , pure growth… I was invited to do corporate training…Coaching…wellness therapy…
9:00 I decided to study the things that worked for me… the things I trust..
10:09 [How is it you assist people]… I have a corporate hat… I also work in the wellness arena… Bach Flower Remedies…Crystal Healing… Iridology… Kirtan Community…
12:17 [Client Story]… I work with corporates … stressful jobs… lack of balance…
17:14 These are very talented people … who are feeling off…
18:22 Another toolbox I have is corporate training… coaching tools…models…
19:39 [Timescales for treatment] To having a solution… at least six sessions… can be bi-weekly… and then it can be longer… an average of around 6 months… what are the areas of focus…
25:12 We dig deeper … the iceberg model… a lot is built on trust…
27:45 [The future]… I like what I do… building relationships… longer and stronger… where “Corporate meets Wellness”… clients are looking for collaboration, partnerships…
31:40 Around 80% of the training workshops – “go to a drawer”…
33:29 [Moving from training to coaching] That’s what I’d like to see more of…
34:37[Challenges]… I had a few bumps on the road… a life long learner…
38:06 [Passions] … Seeing Transformation …working with animals…
38:42 [Dogs]… the benefits of having a dog…
40:24 [An apparent setback]… Loss of confidence…
Contact Cristina
Contact Vincent
Pro Coach:
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox