Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Making My Life Fun" with Jo Lodder

vincent Season 1 Episode 150

Jo Lodder is an entrepreneur with a number of business’, a property agent, an ultra runner and an advocate for helping people with disabilities through his “Run for Freedom” movement. He collaborates with organisations including but not exclusively STOP Trafficking of People, Ark Eden, TAILS Lantau, 1st Steps Association and SENsational Foundation. In the podcast Jo goes into detail on how he started his fitness journey with the intention of helping others. Jo uses sport as a vector for helping others. The theme of giving back comes up several times in the podcast. 

Jo grew up around horses, he was very sporty competing in petathalons, he also boxed and later became a jockey riding professionally for eleven years before an accident curtailed his riding career. Jo has six children, all grown up now. He moved to Hong Kong 15 years ago and keeps a close relationship with them.

 We discuss in detail his choice to stop drinking alcohol and to become vegan. His journey to becoming the Jo of today. Sharing many insights on the journey and the lessons he has learnt and continues to learn. How he works on habits – all the time, how he sets weekly goals not daily goals allowing himself the space to have an off day. How he sets his yearly goals like being happier, doing fun activities and to give, all through the year, to have appreciation and to learn something new.


04:12 Today I am very different to how I was… I’m an entrepreneur with a number of business…
4:53 I classify myself as an ultra runner… the first person to run HK 5 trails in 5 days… 2.5 times up Everest… also an advocate for helping people with disabilities… using sport as the vector….
6:52[Giving Back] I’m a huge advocate for this…
7:13 [Deciding what I needed to do – story]… I’ve got to start giving without receiving…
8:57 [Ark Eden story]… How can I help them? … the start of my fitness journey… to help others
11:29 We talked about happiness… happy people live longer…
14:45 Everything is a habit… a big thing for me was giving up alcohol…
18:53 [Wedding story]…
19:50 [Alcohol and temptation]… Never …not at all…
20:24 [Habits] I work on habits all the time…
21:12 [Going vegan story]… I’m quite determined…
18:54 [Growing up story]… aways around ponies and  horses…boxing…professional jockey…
24:18 I’ve got 6 children – all grown up now…they’re amazing…  I moved to HK 15years ago… it was a great thing…
26:04 I put on so much weight… I met my wife… COVID came … I started moving more… the quickest way to lose weight... eat better food and to move more… 
29:25 To lose the weight took 3 years… I moved more… I became vegan …giving up drinking was massive…
32:50 We weigh ourselves all the time … the worse thing you can do … we should talk about losing fat… consistency… it’s not easy… just add a bit more…
36:52 [Your blood work] I had one 6 weeks ago … I’m a marmite eater…
39:59 Being a jockey… I weighed myself 4,5,6.10 times a day … it’s so much more important to look at your fitness levels… I started walking…
44:11 [Being unfocussed] My goals are weekly goals not daily goals… I’m allowed to have days when I struggle… I don’t fight it…
41:37 [Morning routine] I’m very good at waking up… I get up at 5:00am… I eat a regular breakfast…  my head is much clearer…
48:50 [Key Message] 3 things I do every year… 1. Something that is major – this year to make myself happier… 2. Six fun activities… The other day I went to a rave… 3. To give… and to have appreciation… learn something new…

 Contact Jo
Website : jolodder.com

Contact Vincent
Newsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.com
Pro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscox
Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox