Over Forty Wellness Podcast
Over Forty Wellness Podcast
Here I am 29Kg Later with Keon Lee
Keon has been involved with Faust International Youth Theatre since 2001 as a teacher, theatre director, playwright and has been the General Manager of the company since 2013. His theatrical directing, acting and teaching roles include, but not exclusively, King Lear, Waiting for Godot, Romeo & Juliet, and original productions. Keon leads workshops on creative writing and directing including for the University of Hong Kong. Keon is on a mission to empower both children and adults to become skilled storytellers and communicators and to tell stories that entertain and reflect authentic human experiences.
This podcast is built around Keon’s health story. A story of how with the help of his family and his friends, including health practitioners, he has addressed being overweight
3:30 I am Korean. I came to Hong Kong with my family when I was four years old.....
4:01 I started working for Faust International Ltd drama programmes. I have worked for Faust for nineteen years.....
5:18 I am a big comic book nerd.....
6:31 I was way overindulged as a child......
7:57 My wife is awesome..... I learn a lot talking to her .......
9:27 Its important ant to understand the voice inside your head..... You can change that story.
10:40 I was invited to talk to the graduation class of ESF in 2018 or 2019 ..... You can create your own story and take ownership of that....
11:48 Faust International Youth Theatre .... Drama for kids.... Recently added adult classes.....
13:13 So much revolves around presenting themselves....
14:15 I have Aslan's mask in my office.....
18:10 Teachers should help guide students.... everybody has creativity....
20:20 A health story ..... taking a decision to address a weight issue......
20:50 I was a fat child growing up .....
21:50 My weight has yo-yoed..... In the summer of 2019 I was 115Kg.... 1.5y before turning 40
23:15 I started talking to people.... asking other people their stories....
24:20 I have been 85-87Kg for the last two months..... It's possible ....
26:30 Sharing with people will stop me yo-yoing.... I don't want to go back....
28:20 I am proud of my friends who helped me.... So many people helped me .....
30:50 Health professionals helped me .....
33:09 Then I plateaued... I decided why not go further.... Going to Health professionals is great
34:55 The clouds parted and I just emerged... from a fog I didn't know I had....
36:20 Here I am 29kg later .....
37:50 If I didn't take the fitness app if I didn't feel inspired by my friends ......
38:41 A surprising element...... French Fries .......
41:02 I am willing to try anything....
42:12 I love getting compliments.....
43:22 New things I am learning .....
Pixar Inc Edwin Catmull
The Sandman Series - Neil Gaiman
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman
Wild and Crazy Guys - Nick de Semlyen
MTR Quote: Whats Next
49:33 You're not resting on your laurels.... What's next....
50:20 I must mention my family.........
52:00 A family wide way of being ......
Contact Keon
Contact Vincent
Newsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.com
Podcast: https://overfortywellness.buzzsprout.com
Pro Coach: https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscox
Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox
(Contact information for Michele, Kishore, Helen & Maiko available on request)