Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Hack My Age" with Zora Benhamou

vincent Season 1 Episode 78

My guest on the podcast this week is Zora Benhamou, a mother of two grown children who currently, alongside her husband lives the life of a digital nomad. Zora has studied healthy aging for the past 20 years.  An avid life-long learner, she is interested in evidence-based techniques that slow the aging process and provide “Boundless Energy” for women over 50. 

 Zora has a series of programs that can be accessed  via her website and she also hosts a podcast “Hack My Age” that targets women over 50 years old.  We discuss in the podcast Zora’s studies in Gerontology and how women over fifty have different health concerns than younger women. Highlighting that Health and Wellness is not a one size fits all approach. We also go into detail on Zora’s : Five pillars, plus one, of Health.

04:09 Yes I am a digital Nomad… we create content and travel the world… just with your suitcase…
07:33 It gets easier as the kids get older… nothing is ever permanent…
09:13 I started out Health Coaching... I created a podcast… I fell into biohacking space… women are different…
11:34 A gerontologist is someone who studies aging from a biological, psychological and sociological perspective...
12:50 Up until now, until  recently…it wasn’t a requirement to have women in studies… a real shocker for me ….
13:49 Women over 50…they have completely other concerns… than a younger woman…
17:09 Five pillars… to have a longer health span…. You do need all five…
17:32 One that is a good place to start is sleep…
21:00 This is really a foundation…Sleep… so foundational… Relax(stress…recovery)…Move…(we just need to move)… Eat…(such a big umbrella…huge), Learn(Brain health…purpose in life) … we need to work on all of those…
25:09 Plus one pillar…beauty… we want to look our best… feel good on the inside…
29:58 Book: A digital download… on the Hackmyage.com  Website …Its all there … lots of examples…try them one by one …
32:41 I love people…I love to help them…I love to see their transformation…
33:55 I’m doing less and less Health Coaching…more and more Podcasting… doing a Masters in Gerontology… a program I’m working on “Energy Reboot for Women over 50”… building programs…my podcast… I’ve been invited to the Biohacking Congress…in Boston…in June… I just recorded for Women’s Biohacking Conference… it’s online… speaking is always fun…35:45 I’ve taken so many courses myself…
38:35 I love the “Oxygen Advantage Community”… the program itself Patrick McKeown and his team have been incredibly supportive to all of their teachers… keep that community feel…40:47 Books: Ben Greenfield – Boundless, Shawn Wells – The Energy Formula, Joe Dispenza – Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. (That blew my mind)…
48:17 It’s just our ageist attitudes and fears of getting old…. That’s the change I want to make with my social media…
49:32 Quote : In life there will be pain but we don’t have to suffer 

 Contact Zora
FB -  https://www.facebook.com/HackMyAge
IG - https://www.instagram.com/HackMyAge
Twitter - https://twitter.com/hackmyage
Zora the Explorer
Clubhouse: https://clubhousedb.com/club/791641645-biohacking-women-50
FB Group: The Biohacking Women 50 plus
Podcast: Hack My Age

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Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
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