Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Gentle Strength" with Charmaine So

January 31, 2024 vincent Season 1 Episode 132

Charmaine was born in Hong Kong and moved to Canada at the age of 9 years. She studied in Canada, mainland China and Hong Kong. After working in Public Relations her love of cooking motivated her to move into a role in F&B joining a “Private Members Club” and later into her family’s business.

 With the demands of her job Charmaine pushed herself and suffered a host of health issues. Charmaine was diagnosed with a tumour in the left side of he brain that was pressing on the  Trigeminal nerve. She underwent surgery. Her response was to stay strong. Charmaine lost her hearing on the left side. The physical recovery lasted some 6-8 months, however there was little mental support. 

 Charmaine’s health suffered, she lost her sense of smell, suffered from constant migraines and poor sleep for several years. She was in a constant stress mode. In 2018 she discovered “Bio Energy Therapy” a form of immunotherapy. Within a short period of time, a matter of months she benefited from big improvements in her health. Charmaine shares this story in the podcast. Her sleep improved and she was able to taper off her medication.

 Charmaine underwent a transformation. She decided to share with others how she improved her health and decided to become a Health Coach. Charmaine goes into detail in the podcast on how she helps her clients to become a better version of themselves.


 4:07 I was born in Hong Kong… I studied in Vancouver… majoring in Finance… I did a Masters Degree in HK in Global Communications…
6:24 I switched to an F&B role… it was super exciting…
9:12 My body started to tell me things but I chose not listen…
9:42 [Health Issues] I had a tumour in the left side of my brain… pressing on my hearing nerve…I thought I was fine… I lost hearing on my left side…
13:36 The recovery focused on the physical… there was an emotional trauma… unresolved…
16:30 I lost my sense of smell… affected my taste… constant migraines… really drained…
18:10 I need to fix myself… a shift came in 2018…
20:00 I dismissed the stress I was under… sleep quality was bad… massive migraines…
21:32 I tapped into an energy medicine – “Bio Therapy”… within 3-4 months I saw big changes… it fixed my sleep…
26:35 I started to explore meditation… tapered of my medication…gentle stretching… quiet mornings… simple practices…
28:33 What if I can share my insights… I looked into Health Coaching…Functional Medicine…
31:29 10 minutes a day to turn things around…
33:36 I help people by bringing awareness to their body… ready to support them…
34:13 [5 pillars] – 1) Food & Nutrition, 2) Movement/Exercise, 3) Stress Management, 4) Sleep/Relaxation, 5) Relationships &Connection… 
36:29 Step by Step, Celebrate, Ask the client what they want to work on… 
38:55 Do one thing a day…
40:45 [Morning Routine]… Meditation…, Journal directly…, three things I will do today, a coffee, 1hr of reading… stretching…
43.34 [Passions] Gratitude… be there for people…
45:23 [Key Message] ….

Contact Charmaine
IG : the.gentlestrength
Website - https://thegentlestrength.com

Contact Vincent
Newsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.com
Pro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscox
Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox