Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Optimal Wellness and Longevity" with Tobey Hill

August 20, 2024 vincent

My guest on the podcast is Tobey Hill. Tobey is a health and well-being coach, happily married with three children.  She moved to Hong Kong from the US in 2008 and is now based in Singapore. Tobey holds certifications in macrobiotic counselling, longevity medicine 101, perimenopause and is a functional medicine certified health coach candidate. 

Tobey works at "Chi Longevity", a clinic offering a comprehensive, personalized, evidence-based approach to longevity and optimal wellness, and independently through her company "Be Limitless Health & Wellness". 

In the podcast we discuss how her journey into holistic health began shortly before she was diagnosed with a chronic autoimmune disease over twenty years ago. How she turned to macrobiotics and successfully reversed her illness within three years, becoming a macrobiotic counsellor in the process.

Tobey tells the story of why and how she  immersed herself in spirituality and meditation practices and studies, leading to a profound personal transformation. She firmly believes that everyone possesses the innate power to create their desired reality and she discusses this in the podcast. Tobey guides her clients to discover their own answers whether in nutrition, movement, lifestyle or mindset.

3:52 I grew up on New Jersey – just outside New York – I’m married to my best friend… we have three children… I worked in HK as a Corporate Tax Lawyer… we moved to Singapore in 2021…
06:18 My first daughter was two …I was diagnosed with auto-immune hepatitis…7:46 I discovered holistic health… I turned to macro-biotics… I wanted to help others on their healing journey…
12:09 I became a macro-biotic counsellor… my liver regenerated itself…
13:23 My values are family and health…
14:29 As a child I was a perfectionist… this continues…
16:39 [Improving wellness] It’s never a straight line… directionally are you going up… I was still in my head a bit…
19:34 In 2019/2020 I was in a bad work situation… on an emotional roller coaster… my liver enzymes were elevated…
20:26 I was introduced to Joe Dispenza… Meditation - what a shift… I was ready…
21:40 [How do you assist people] A health coach…vision of your physical health, your mental health…
24:50 [Client story]… Working on a shift in mindset…noticing thoughts…limiting beliefs…
29:21 Each client is an expert on themselves…everyone has their innate strengths…
30:57 [Helping yourself]… You are in control of you…start noticing your thoughts…
35:04 [Overcoming challenges]… a negative body image… it stuck around for a long time… I used Emotion Freedom Technique… then meditation… gratitude… change of mindset…
41:09 [Routine and Practices]… Habits… no strict morning routine… morning light… meditation… celebrate your successes…
(1)   Steve Chandlers: Reinventing Yourself… simple and relateable… 
(2)   Peter Attia – Outlive
49:11 [Key Message]

 Contact Tobey
Chi Longevity: https://www.chilongevity.com/
Chi Longevity: https://www.chilongevity.com/
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tobeyahill-97

Contact Vincent
Newsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.com
Pro Coach:  https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscox
Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox