Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Chinese Metaphysics" with Susanne Schutz

vincent Season 1 Episode 36

Susanne worked in Asia for three decades and is a Chinese Metaphysics Consultant, a public speaker and Instructor. She has studied Chinese Metaphysics with Grandmaster Data Joey Yap and has four Degrees at Masters level.

Susanne founded Suzhong Consulting in 2014 and provides consultations in Feng Shui, Bazi Astrology, Qimen Dunjia and Date Selection. These are fully explained in the podcast.

She helps her clients by giving them tools rooted in Chinese Metaphysics. Fung Shui, Bazi Astrology, Date selection and Meditation and Manifestation techniques.

2:59 It's a long journey from Germany. I decided to move to Asia about 30years ago....... I was always into Chinese Culture.
3:41 I am Chinese at heart.
4:01 I try to help people by giving them tools rooted in Chinese Metaphysics......
5:31 We are just not feeling where we should be....
6:54 A client who last year lost their job.......
9:55 I need to understand the clients needs and wants........
11:00 It's all about what is it you want, what is it you need........
11:53 My only requirement from the client is they are willing to change......
12:48 As long as you keep an open mind and are willing to change and step outside of your comfort zone....
15:22 the length of the treatment time depends very much on the modality...... Usually results are apparent in a couple of weeks.....
17:41 Free will is a key component....
18:15 The beautiful thing with Bazi Astrology is once I see a birth chart I know how to motivate the particular person.....
21:08 Qimen Dunjia  connects you with your "super power" .....
23:15 I had a client in US who was going through a bad divorce ........
27:25 I will always be a student, that's for sure.......
29:29 Before COVID I was travelling all the time .........
30:23 The biggest challenge for me.........I don't look Chinese........
32:24 I am motivated by curiosity .... I have turned my hobby into a career.....
33:33 The biggest setback for me happened around seven years ago.....
34:48 Morning routine ...... I do use Qimen Dunjia .....
36:36 In the evening before I go to bed I use it to tap into my own super power ...... for what I need right here, right now....
37:46 When I want to relax from my work I read fluff ........ fiction, crime........
40:17 In the last five years .... I wouldn't say it was one particular moment, a gradual shift over the past five years.... there were always doubts, self doubts, self criticism...... over time I had the sense that things were going to be ok ...... the faith has grown stronger..
42:23 For overwhelm .....  Qimen Dunjia the answer for everything.......I'm very emotional .......
MTR Quotation : Chinese Metaphysics - The Secret Art of Common Sense

Contact Susanne
(From this you can link to Susanne's YouTube Channel, Facebook and LinkedIn)

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