Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"A Wise Rebel" - with Chris Lawrence

vincent Season 1 Episode 49

Chris is a long time expat in Asia, a lawyer, a businessman He is a father, a husband,  a son, a natural health proponent, a life coach,  a meditator, a yogi, a “spiritual” seeker and a partial finder.  

Alcohol free for 2.5 years . As a certified coach with “The Naked Mind Institute” Chris helps folks evaluate and change their relationship to alcohol with Wise Rebel Coaching.

 We go into detail in the podcast of his ongoing journey. What led to his decision to stop drinking alcohol and how he now coaches others who want to take control of alcohol.

3:04 I come from a small town in Michigan
4:50 Hong Kong is home...
6:03 Well its  a mixed blessing isn't it... the pandemic has been a disaster
8:10 Our company is more joined up than it ever has been...
9:15 For my day job I am a lawyer and MD of an insurance company subsidiary...
9:50 The side gig I have is called Wise Rebel Coaching
10:40 I was a fairly enthusiastic drinker...
12:25 Sometime in my mid forties my body didn't handle alcohol in the same way...maybe I'm drinking too much...
13:46 I'm very interested in meditation...talking to someone who is enlightened. He introduced the three Gunas... a message personalised to me .... that started my journey of moderation...(Book quotes below)
18:50 With drinking if you want to change you have to have a strong WHY...
19:30 The watch stories...within the space of a week I lost 2 nice watches... "I'm losing time"
21:46 There was a tipping point... I had an accident - a wake up call...
27:14 We all come to it in different ways... Cognitive dissonance - you want to make changes but you aren't able to ...
29:37 There is a concept that drinking is the big domino , push it over ....
31:53 The process of disentangling... so much of ones life is entangled with alcohol... You control your own reality...
33:58 Listening with the ear of an active listener... there is always common ground... be gentle with yourself... Alcohol is an addictive substance... It's no your fault but it's your responsibility...
36:02 A big part of the process is looking at our sub-conscious beliefs... some measures have alcohol as the absolute most destructive drug on the planet...
38:28 Does this belief serve me ... maybe it doesn't serve me anymore...
40:55 Most of us will say to ourselves things that we would never ever think to say to others...
43:38 Used to sating thirst with a cold beer ...drink two glasses of water...
44:31 Meditation and mindfulness these are powerful things ... Surfing the urge ...
46:50 The whole thing is non judgemental... I was that person...you have empathy...
49:40 We all want to be better than we are... there's fear and it's completely understandable... If I can do it you can do it...
52:01 I very much like morning routines... I recommend ... Super easy ... Forgiveness....Gratitude....Intentions... very powerful...keep it simple...

MTR Quote - 1
Be Grateful, Forgive yourself and others, You are good enough, Be clear with your intentions.

MTR Quote - 2:
From "The Summer Day" - Mary Oliver

Doesn't everything die at last and too soon
Tell me what is it you plan to do with your wild and precious life

Michael Damian - The Art of freedom
Rupert Spira - Presence
 Annie Grace - This Naked Mind

Contact Chris

Contact Vincent
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Pro Coach: https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscox
Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox